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Coordinates can be added to most articles on Coasterpedia. They help readers verify the information they read and allow them to find subjects near them using Special:Nearby.

Adding coordinates

The coordinates of the subject must be obtained as latitude and longitude values in decimal degrees.

Obtaining the coordinates

If the subject currently exists, the coordinates can be obtained using Google Maps. With Google Maps open, right click on any location on the map. Click on the coordinates that appear in the context menu to copy them to your clipboard.

If the subject does not exist or has been moved, the coordinates can be obtained using Google Earth Pro. After downloading and opening Google Earth Pro, click on Tools in the menubar and select Options.... In the popup window under the 3D View tab, make sure that the Show Lat/Long section is set to Decimal Degrees. Now select Show historical imagery () and use the slider to find satellite imagery of the ride while it still existed. After locating the ride, select Add Placemark () and drag the yellow pin to the location of the ride. The latitude and longitude may now be copied from the popup window.

Adding coordinates to an article

Coordinates are added to articles using the |coord_lat= and |coord_long= parameters in the infobox. Do not include the degree symbol.


Coordinates should adhere to the following conditions:

  • For tracked rides (including coasters), the coordinate should be the centre of the station.
  • For non-track rides, the coordinate should be at the centre of the ride.

If the coordinate is not obtainable with satellite imagery, leave it out. Do not estimate coordinates.