Template talk:Infobox - Roller Coaster

Discussion page of Template:Infobox - Roller Coaster
The following talk is orphaned.
The article that goes with it has since been deleted, and the talk has been kept for archival purposes. Please do not edit this page unless you are fixing formatting.

Pros and Cons

First, the pros... I think overall, it's very neat and organized. The actual code is efficient, as far as I can tell.

The cons... The colors are a little bit much (that can be fixed easily). If it's possible, I think the left side should be made a little smaller than the right side. After all, the titles of the rows are going to be shorter than the info.

Feel free to discuss, everyone! We need to decide on an infobox and get things going! MontagnaMagica|Talk 01:18, August 3, 2012 (UTC)

For comparison, there is also this infobox up for consideration. MontagnaMagica|Talk 01:19, August 3, 2012 (UTC)

Does anyone know decent wiki-code, because we need an Infobox capable of having statistics for two tracks...Lachlan5963 (Talk)07:38,3/8/2012